Painting fine feathers


【Art from the Start|回顾】Using 18th Century’s Baroque & Rococo era as backdrop, our little ones painted beautiful Orientalism Peacocks 小朋友们画出奥斯曼帝国的天堂之鸟哦 ~

上周六「创意之源」Art From the Start课程我们让小朋友接触到了18世纪洛可可和巴洛克时期的另一个特殊风气:东方主义(Orientalism)。17世纪末因为奥斯曼帝国大败而 减低了它对欧洲的威胁,欧洲兴起了对于东方文物艺术的狂热,大吹土耳其风(Turquerie)及中国风(Chinoiserie)。这两种风格从建筑和 家具蔓延到油画和雕塑,成为洛可可艺术的发展中不可或缺的一部分。

By the end of the 17th century, the first major defeats of the Ottoman Empire reduced the perceived threat in European minds, which led to an artistic craze for things Turkish (Turquerie), just as there was a fashion for Chinese things with Chinoiserie, both of which became constitutive components of the Rococo style.

Orientalism started to become hugely popular, first with the works of Jean-Baptiste van Mour, who had accompanied the embassy of Charles de Ferriol to Istanbul 1699 and stayed there until the end of his life in 1737, and later with the works of Boucher and Fragonard.

Madame de Pompadour portrayed as a Turkish Lady in 1747 by Charles Andre van Loo, an example of Turquerie.

A Lady in Turkish Fancy Dress by Jean-Baptiste Greuze, 1790.

Le Jardin Chinois – François Boucher (1742)
佛朗索瓦• 布歇的代表作之一《中国花园》,看得出18世纪欧洲社会对中国风的痴迷。


而孔雀瓷盘是奥斯曼帝国最享有盛名的陶瓷制品之一。这件作品是奥斯曼帝国精致艺术风格的真实写照。In the Persian culture that spread to the Ottoman court, Peacock is a sybolof royalty and power. It was with that backdrop, our little ones painted colourful peacocks to represent the Orientalism influence in the Rococo era.

以奥斯曼帝国的天堂鸟为蓝本,我们让小朋友们运用自己的想象力绘出色彩斑斓的孔雀,看看是不是非常有异国风情呢? Last week we used Rococo’s Orientalism as a backdrop and let children’s imagination run free to paint their colourful Peacocks. Aren’t they beautiful?





上周六「创意之源」Art From the Start课程我们让小朋友接触到了18世纪洛可可和巴洛克时期的另一个特殊风气:东方主义(Orientalism)。17世纪末因为奥斯曼帝国大败而 减低了它对欧洲的威胁,欧洲兴起了对于东方文物艺术的狂热,大吹土耳其风(Turquerie)及中国风(Chinoiserie)。这两种风格从建筑和 家具蔓延到油画和雕塑,成为洛可可艺术的发展中不可或缺的一部分。

By the end of the 17th century, the first major defeats of the Ottoman Empire reduced the perceived threat in European minds, which led to an artistic craze for things Turkish (Turquerie), just as there was a fashion for Chinese things with Chinoiserie, both of which became constitutive components of the Rococo style.

Orientalism started to become hugely popular, first with the works of Jean-Baptiste van Mour, who had accompanied the embassy of Charles de Ferriol to Istanbul 1699 and stayed there until the end of his life in 1737, and later with the works of Boucher and Fragonard.

Madame de Pompadour portrayed as a Turkish Lady in 1747 by Charles Andre van Loo, an example of Turquerie.
Le Jardin Chinois – François Boucher (1742)
佛朗索瓦• 布歇的代表作之一《中国花园》,看得出18世纪欧洲社会对中国风的痴迷。


而孔雀瓷盘是奥斯曼帝国最享有盛名的陶瓷制品之一。这件作品是奥斯曼帝国精致艺术风格的真实写照。In the Persian culture that spread to the Ottoman court, Peacock is a sybolof royalty and power. It was with that backdrop, our little ones painted colourful peacocks to represent the Orientalism influence in the Rococo era.

以奥斯曼帝国的天堂鸟为蓝本,我们让小朋友们运用自己的想象力绘出色彩斑斓的孔雀,看看是不是非常有异国风情呢? Last week we used Rococo’s Orientalism as a backdrop and let children’s imagination run free to paint their colourful Peacocks. Aren’t they beautiful?


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