Nursery Information

We have 2 rooms for children aged 24 to 36 months old to play in. These are bright, airy rooms where each child’s individual requirements are catered for.

We have a separate sleep room where each child has their own bedding and are calmly settled for their sleep by the nursery staff.

petit chamleon website room 1  petit chamleon website room 4

Each child is encouraged to develop through creative and sensory activities, maximising their curiosity and allowing them to explore, play imaginatively and experiment using different materials.

Our little ones enjoy activities structured around their changing interests, with lots of rich opportunities to stimulate their active minds.

petit chameleon kids approach   petit chamleon website room 5

At Petit Chameleon, our outdoor patio is a welcoming change of scenery and we will bring the children outside the patio when the weather is nice to do simple gardening, digging and exercise.

petit chameleon kids coffee corner